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M16 / AR15 BCG Bolt Carrier Group 5.56 Billet Extractor Nitride


The M16/AR15 bolt carrier group is the perfect BCG for your next build. Properly built, no corners cut, 100 percent US made. You can’t go wrong.

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SKU: 20090701001 Category:

8620 M16 style carrier
H&M Black Nitride finish
Properly heat treated
Final grind before plating
9310 5.56/.223 bolt
Heat treated
Shot peened
H&M Black Nitride finish
4140 billet gas key
H&M Black Nitride Finish
Properly seated with Grade 8 fasteners
Properly staked to ensure reliability
4140 Cam Pin nitride treated for wear resistance
Billet Machined Extractor
Machined from solid 4140 bar stock, heat treated and shot peened
Phosphate coated for reliable extraction
Extractor insert included
O-Ring included
Firing pin precision machined from 17-4 H-900 Stainless Steel
100% USA Made

AR-15 Bolt Carrier Groups for M16 In USA

If you are looking for a trusted online store to purchase M16 Bolt Carrier Group for Sale in the USA, then you are just in the right place as here, at Aim Arms, we sell quality American made firearms parts and accessories from reputable manufacturers at the best price in the United States.

If you are looking for a firearm to perform semi-automatic fire, then there is no better tool than AR-15 Bolt Carrier Groups for M16 in the USA as it works with a locking, rotating bolt mechanism allowing the bolt to rotate and unlock only when sufficient pressure has built up, prior to which the bolt is locked inside the fire chamber.

This advanced M16/ AR 15 BCG bolt carrier group 5.56 billet extractor nitride is seated correctly with grade eight fasteners. Phosphate coat and nitrite treated 4140 cam pin adds to the reliable extraction and high resistance of the tool. This M16/ AR 15 with 5.56 billet extractor nitride is the perfect BCG tool for your next built.

If you are looking for a firearm that spares you time by avoiding the need for a manual bolt or single-shot configuration, then this A-15 bolt carrier group for M16 is made just for you!

Here at Aim Arms, you will find only the best quality AR-15 bolt carrier groups for M16 in the USA that is adequately staked to ensure reliability and properly heat treated beforehand. So, get your hands on the H&M black nitride finished bolt carrier at the best price today from Aim Arms.